Our Plans
We’ve got the right plan to match your investment goals. You can try our membership for FREE for 14 days. No credit card required.

Your New Investment Portfolio Starts Here
TuringTrader’s investment portfolios are tactical portfolios—they’re actively managed and adapt their holdings as market conditions change. For each portfolio, a computer algorithm creates signals to buy or sell assets, based on clear rules and quantitative methods. As a result, tactical portfolios can beat the market with lower risk.
Premium Portfolios
Choose from our broad selection of premium portfolios that cover a wide range of investment objectives and management styles. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor, TuringTrader helps you build diversified portfolios with an optimal mix of liquid stocks and index ETFs. Take advantage of market opportunities and maximize your risk-adjusted returns.
With our time-tested portfolios you can manage your investments in as little as 15 minutes per month. Our backtested portfolios have outperformed the market in bullish and bearish times, including the difficult markets of 2008, 2011, 2018, and 2020. Take back control of your investments and enjoy lower-risk portfolios with above benchmark returns.
Diversification is the only free lunch in investing. Our All-Stars Portfolios reach the next level of diversification by bundling strategies with different trading styles and rebalancing schedules. This type of diversification makes the portfolios more robust and helps address an even broader range of market situations.
Charts and Performance Metrics
We simulate all our investment algorithms in rigorous backtests, and analyze our model’s behaviors over a historical period. With this method we can learn from the past and prepare for the future. See how we’ve tested model portfolios reaching back to 2007.
Our wealth of background information helps you jumpstart your investment decisions. For all of our portfolios, we provide daily updated charts and metrics so that you can review historical performance, average returns, and drawdowns relative to a benchmark. We explain the portfolio rules and provide guidance on account requirements. For those interested in digging deeper, our comprehensive background articles explain our research in detail.
Portfolio Rebalance Alerts
Get offensive or defensive when the time is right. With our email notifications for Premium and Infinite plans, you’ll know when and how to rebalance your portfolios without keeping track of your rebalancing schedule or checking TuringTrader for updates. We’ll save you the time and research by letting you know when your portfolio needs attention.
In our rebalancing dialog, you can simply enter your total account value and TuringTrader will calculate the correct number of shares for you. Even better, it will automatically adjust the account value so the numbers are already very close the next time you visit the site.
Customizable Dashboard
Monitor your favorite portfolios and access articles in no time. Not only does your dashboard provide quick access to your favorite portfolios, it also lets you review the recent performance of your portfolios and set up your email notifications. We’ll show you how easy it is to configure your dashboard and get the data you need.
API Access for Automated Trading
For members who want to automate their portfolio maintenance and rebalancing process, our Infinite plan provides API access for your portfolio’s asset allocation. Since most brokerages offer an API to query the account status and place orders, you have the flexibility to create a fully automated system by connecting the two.
If you prefer not to code, you can still use the API. With our Excel-based rebalancing tool, you can download the current asset allocation, and calculate the rebalancing orders. A great starting point for your individually customized trading solution.
Frequently Asked Questions
From Our Investors
“Thanks so much, I am glad I found your website! I am thinking about how to deal with potential retirement in the next 3-5-10 years. I like the data/model driven portfolio philosophy of TuringTrader.com — the latest Mean-Kitty is really exciting!“
Chung-Kao Hsieh
“I do appreciate your transparency, Round Robin’s algorithm nailed it! Market Vane is a great addition to the website, thanks for continuing to upgrade TuringTrader.”
Thomas Farr
“I’m sure you hear it a lot, but just wanted to say nice work in TuringTrader. I love your methods, explanations, and amount of detail and care you put into it. I was reading your recent update and it seems like you are always improving and refining what is already a great accomplishment. The extra mile and effort shows.”
Jonathan Moore
Invest Better. Risk Less. Profit More.
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